Welcome to DEW

DEW is a E-wrestling Role-Play federation. At the moment I am the only contributor of characters. I do this for my personal amusement with the possibly that others can enjoy this as well. The best way to view this is from the bottom to the top to understand what is going on.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Mistake

The mistake 

(The scene begins at DEW Headquarters with Johnny Sinclair and his friend Anthony Grunge. Johnny Sinclair is pacing back and forth and looks nervous.)

Anthony Grunge: What’s wrong Johnny Sinclair ?

Johnny Sinclair: I did it again !

Anthony Grunge: What do you mean ?

Johnny Sinclair: I signed someone who Seth is going to hate. It’s Seth’s worse enemy. They’ve hated each other for years !

Anthony Grunge: Then why don’t you just fire the creep ?

Johnny Sinclair: Because I gave him a guaranteed contract for one year !

Anthony Grunge: What were you thinking ?

Johnny Sinclair: I don’t know ! And his manager is worse than he is ! This is not going to be good for DEW and it’s not going to be good for me either ! Tomorrow we find out who he is !

(Scene fades)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The new CEO !

The new CEO!

(Clack Clack Clack…. Clack Clack Clang ! Goes the cane as the new CEO of DEW Emerges !)

Johnny Sinclair: Ladies and gentlemen our new CEO Seth Van Der Beek !

Seth Vander Beek: Hello everyone it’s a pleasure to be here. There is many things to be done but when it’s ready DEW will be the premier wrestling promotion in the entire World ! In a few days our new signings will be revealed and when they are you can count That they will be very exciting to all ! It’s a pleasure meeting you all. Now if you excuse me I need to get on a plane to do some important business !

(Scene fades)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Awaiting the new Boss !

(The rundown Headquarters is being renovated for the return of DEW. The establishment needs a lot of repairs as it has been sitting vacant for many months. The staff is tirelessly getting the place ready for the new CEO to make his appearance. Not much known about this person but many speculate that he has a creative mind and is very uncompromising individual. )

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Return of the Founder !

The return of a founder !

(Johnny Sinclair is sitting in a Coffee shop in Los Angeles , CA along with him is his best friend Anthony Grunge. The duel are enjoying their coffee and then start to speak to one another.)

Johnny Sinclair:Grunge this is going to be awesome. I am the 53% shareholder of DEW and now I have a new CEO to make things better again and relaunch my dream..

Anthony Grunge: Who is this guy Johnny and what is his name ?

Johnny Sinclair: His name is not important at the moment Anthony. I am not going to reveal anything not even to my closest friend.

Anthony Grunge: But why not ?

Johnny Sinclair: Because I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Just know though that this is going to be awesome. This person is going to make our company great again and soon we will have a company that will be put back on the Pro Wrestling grid.

Anthony Grunge: Do we even have a roster yet ?

Johnny Sinclair: Yes we have wrestler from around the World that are going to compete in DEW and when they do the fans are going to be delighted with the excitement !

Anthony Grunge: Like who ?

Johnny Sinclair: Like who ? Well you of course. You’re going to be awesome and everyone else is going to be fun to watch as well.

(Cell phone rings)

Anthony Grunge: Who’s that ?

Johnny Sinclair: It’s the new CEO. Hello ? Yes the HQ is almost complete. You’ll be coming soon ? I can’t wait. Finally the Wrestling World has some competition. OK Sir have a great day !

Anthony Grunge: WOW ! What did he say ?

Johnny Sinclair: He said he can’t wait to take dew by storm. It’s going to be awesome !

Anthony Grunge:Why can’t you tell me his name ?

Johnny Sinclair: All will be revealed tomorrow !

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Return of Deadly Encounter Wrestling !

(Johnny Sinclair once again decides to bring back Deadly Encounter Wrestling only this time things are different. Johnny Sinclair has decided to be the founder role and have someone else run the company on his behalf. It is unclear who the new CEO is going to be. Johnny Sinclair’s friend Anthony Grunge will be a professional wrestler in the fed. With the CEO yet to be revealed it is no telling what is going to happen.)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

House Show event

(Easy lover by Phil Collins begins to play on the speaks. The crowd begins to roar as Johnny Sinclair walks down to the ring. Johnny Sinclair then enters the ring , grabs the microphone and then begins to speak.)

Johnny Sinclair: Ladies and gentlemen I have a exciting announcement to make. Tonight I am going to appoint our new DEW Commissioner !
(Crowd begins to cheer.)
Johnny Sinclair: This man is none other then Anthony Grunge !
(Crowd begins to cheer as Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses begins to blast on the PA. system Anthony Grunges walks down to the ring with swagger as the crowd erupts. Grunge then grabs the microphone and begins to speak.)
Anthony Grunge: I just want to say that it's an honor and a pleasure to be the new commissioner of the DEW ! Tonight my first duty of Commissioner will be to make a match between Bob Mash and Max Millions That match will happen right now ! The scene goes to a commercial break. When we come back Bob Mash and Max Millions are fighting one another. Bob Mash has the advantage and is giving Max Millions some lefts and rights. Bob Mash goes to the top ropes and gives Max Millions a super drop kick. Max Millions drops to the canvas and Bob Mash goes for the cover. 1..... 2.... 2 and a 1/2 2 and 3/4s come on ! Bob Mash argues with the referee and the referee calls for the bell and talks to ring announcer Mill Dane. Mill Dane: The winner of this match as a result of unsportsmanship acts. Max Millions ! [Max Millions celebrates and then gives the referee a $100 bill.]