Welcome to DEW

DEW is a E-wrestling Role-Play federation. At the moment I am the only contributor of characters. I do this for my personal amusement with the possibly that others can enjoy this as well. The best way to view this is from the bottom to the top to understand what is going on.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

DEW Wrestling Action !!!!

Bob Mash VS Finn Mongrel

Jordan Mathews: Welcome everyone to Deadly Encounter Wrestling! I am Jordan Mathews and with me as always is "Adorable" Eddy Mooney.

 Eddy Mooney: Hello Ladies and gentlemen it's great to be here. Now for our first match is Bob Mash VS Finn Mongrel.

Janice Watts: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring from Washington, DC. Bob Mash!

 (America the Beautiful begins to blast on the PA. system while United States Veteran Bob Mash makes his way down to the ring. Bob Mash enters the ring and waits for his opponent.)

Janice Watts: And now coming down the ring from Knoxville, TN. Finn Mongrel!

 (Iron Man by Black Sabbath begins to play on the PA. system as Finn Mongrel makes his way down to the squared circle. The crowd begins to boo and throw stuff at him. He continues to walk down to the ring and just ignores them. He then enters the ring.)


 Eddy Mooney: Both men walking around the ring now. Jordan Mathews: They're looking eye to eye.
Eddy Mooney: It's a stare down. Who's going to make the first move?

Jordan Mathews: Finn Mongrel with a rake to the eyes. The Referee is not happy with that. He has a few words for him.

Eddy Mooney: Mongrel was just trying to get something out of Mash's eyes and this is the thanks he gets.

Jordan Mathews: Oh Please come on man. You got to be kidding me. Bob Mash Irish whips Mongrel into the ropes and goes for a dropkick. Mongrel ducks and slides out of the ring. Bob Mash follows him. Mongrel hits Mash with a steel chair. Mongrel enters the ring and Bob Mash is getting counted out...

Eddy Mooney: What a coward Jordan Mathews is!!!

Jordan Mathews: Would you be quiet! Bob Mash trying to enter the ring!! Mongrel kicks him down to the canvas. That broke the count out! Mongrel now with a DDT! Mongrel now exposing the matt outside the ring. What a horrible human being!!! Mongrel just DDTED Bob Mash onto the exposed canvas! Mongrel enters the ring and begins to count with the referee! What a jerk !!!!

Janice Watts: The winner of this match... as a result of a count out... Finn Mongrel !!!!

Josh Mathews: Mongrel, what we just saw there was awful. That was a very bad form on your part.

Post Match interview

Josh Mathews: Mongrel, what we just saw there was awful. That was a very bad form on your part.
Finn Mongrel: Mathews, it doesn't matter. I will continue to destroy everyone that gets in my way. That my friend was just the beginning. There's a new guy in town and I am here for one thing and that is to become the DEW World Heavyweight Champion....
Josh Mathews: That is it for now. Finn Mongrel wins in his debut match against Bob Mash.

Lexi Monroe VS Candycane

Janice Watts: This Match is  scheduled for one fall. Coming down the ring weighing 110 IL , Lexi Monroe !

(Lexi Monroe comes down to the ring wearing a terrycloth robe and a white body suit. The crowd begins to cheer while Lexi blows kisses to the crowd. She then enters the ring and begins to elegantly walk around waving to the crowd.)

Janice Watts: And here opponent weighing 120 LI from Mobile Alabama, Candy Cane !!!

(Candy Cane walks down to the ring wearing a red and white clown suit while eating a large Candy Cane.)


Josh Mathews: We're back ladies and gentlemen for more wrestling action. CandyCane tries to Irish whip Lexi but Lexi counters the Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Lexi now with a backhand chop. 


Eddy Mooney: Listen to this crowd. You know something Josh I'm going for Lexi in this one. 

Josh Mathews: Lexi doesn't stop there. Lexi with a back elbow with Candy Cane still into the corner. Candy Cane now still trying to fight back with a pull to the hair. The referee is warning here now. Candy Cane still arguing with the ref now. Lexi with a school girl roll. 

Referee: 1...2....TWO !!!! 

Eddy Mooney: Candy Cane kicks out!

Josh Mathews: Monroe grabs CandyCane and throws her into the ropes and Lexi Now with an Enzuigiri!  

Eddy Mooney: CandyCane is still up but it stunned. 

Josh Mathews: Monroe with a Sitdown Jawbreaker !!! 

She goes for the cover. 

Referee 1...2....3 !!!! 

Janice Watts: Here is your winner, Lexi Monroe !!!! 

Post match Interview

Josh Mathews: With me now is the beautiful Lexi Monroe. Lexi what an impressive debut here in DEW !!!

Lexi Monroe: Thank you, Josh, it's great to be here. I just want to send a message to all the ladies in the back that there's a new girl in town. I'm here to take on all contenders in DEW !!!! 

(Suddenly out of nowhere Jennifer Deville attacks Lexi Monroe from behind. Jennifer Deville takes a steel chair and sets it out. She picks up Lexi Monroe. Jennifer Deville now with a drop-toe-hold causing Lexi Monroe to fall face first onto the steel chair. Blood is coming out of Lexi Monroe's face. Jennifer Deville smothers Lexi's blood all over the chair and then runs off.!!!) 

Josh Mathews: Get an ambulance over here !!! I can't believe what we just witness. What a horrendous attack by Jennifer Deville !!!! 

Janis Watts: Ladies and Gentlemen: It is now time for our Main Event. Coming to the ring Jack Flamingo ! 

(Jack Flamingo walks down to the ring.) 

Janis Watts: And his opponent weighing 330 ILs. From parts unknown... Shadow Wolf! 

(Hollow Moon by Awolnation begins to play on the PA. system as Shadow Wolf walks down to the ring. The crowd begins to jeer this horrid beast of a man. He enters the ring.) 


Josh Mathews: Now it's time for our Main Event and I've got to say that I think that Jack Flamingo is going to totally beat Shadow Wolf tonight! 

Eddy Mooney: What makes you so sure? Shadow man is one hell of a competitor. 

Josh Mathews: Shadow Wolf with an Irish whip into the corner. Shadow Wolf now with a clothesline in the corner. Jack Flamingo now showing some offense,  with a European uppercut. 

Eddy Mooney: Shadow Wolf with a backbreaker. Shadow Wolf with a knee to the chest. Shadow Wolf Now with another knee to the chest. 

Josh Mathews: That is not good as Jack Flamingo is clearly showing some pain from through moves. Jack Flamingo now a suplex. Jack Flamingo now with the Heart Punch! HE goes for the cover. 

Refferee: 1....2.......3 !!!!! 

Eddy Mooney: What do you think now? 

Josh Mathews: Shadow Wolf with a great victory here tonight! Let's get the official word. 

Janis Watts: Here is your winner Shadow Wolf! 

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